미드 영어/ 에밀리 파리에 가다(Emily in Paris Season4, Ep4)/ to be Switzerland/

Emily in Paris, Season 4, Episode 1
Nicolas: You can't be performing in a club associated with Sylvie
It makes it look like we're choosing sides.
I think right now it's better to be Switzerland.
Mindy: I am not asking you to choose a side, I'm asking you to choose me.
니콜라: 실리 남편 클럽에서 공연하면 안 되지
그러면 편드는 것 같잖아
지금은 중립을 지키는 게 좋겠어
민디: 내 말은 그 누구의 편이 아니라 내 편이 되어 달라고!
To be Switzerland/Being Switzerland
The term “playing Switzerland” is universally used to mean staying out of a dispute. No other people have upheld this tradition as long as the Swiss, who have even included this tenet in their Constitution.
Switzerland's foreign policy states that it cannot be involved in armed conflicts between states. Therefore, when people don't want to get involved in other people's issues, they say they want to be Switzerland. Neutrality means not supporting or helping either side in a conflict or disagreement; being impartial. 2019. 2. 15.
Switzerland has the oldest policy of military neutrality in the world; it has not participated in a foreign war since its neutrality was established by the Treaty of Paris in 1815, although the country did have a civil war in 1847.
이 표현은 분쟁에서 '중립'을 지킨다는 뜻이다. 스위스 군사 중립 정책에서 유래하여 스위스가 타국의 전쟁이나 무력 충돌에 개입하지 않겠다는 입장과 그 맥락을 같이한다. 다른 이의 일에 관여하지 않으며, 싸움과 갈등이 발생할 때 어느 한쪽 편도 들지 않겠다는 의미이다.
